Monday, July 25, 2016

OnePlus 3 does have ‘hidden’ USB OTG feature, menu is hard to find

So Benson Leung – you'll recognize that name because he's been at it against manufacturers whom he says makes non-compliant USB features and accessories (even Google) – created a storm a few days back because he got a scoop that the OnePlus 3 flagship smartphone purportedly did not have a USB Type-C port that was compliant to the standard USB on-the-go (OTG) feature. After information was reviewed however, Leung edited his post to say that the OnePlus 3 does have that feature, only that it was buried deep within the settings menus.

The execs at OnePlus definitely are breathing a sigh of relief here, because misinformation like this could kill the momentum they have for their newly-launched "flagship killer". It's still debatable whether USB OTG is a widely used feature – we think a lot of people actually prefer expansion via microSD, but since the OnePlus 3 ain't got no expansion slots, this becomes a problem. And really, it's a feature you're required to have if you market a device with USB Type-C, so it would've been baaaad if it was seen that OnePlus intentionally skipped the feature.


Fortunately for them, Leung's source (+GTrusted) updated their review to say that the feature was indeed there, just buried and hidden. The OnePlus 3 does have USB OTG but users will have to enable the feature. The setting itself is hidden in the "three vertical dots" overflow menu within the storage settings, pretty hard to find unless you know what you're looking for.


That said, OnePlus should maybe take this seriously into consideration, and then have their OxygenOS guys make this setting a little more visible. This is definitely not great for user experience and all that.

SOURCE: +BensonLeung

Story Timeline
  • Google engineer's Pixel damaged after using another USB A-to-C cable
  • OnePlus 3 Review: Invite-free flagship takes on Samsung, HTC, and LG
  • OnePlus 3 Dash Charge proprietary cable, adapter required to use
  • Tags: Android, OnePlus, OnePlus 3, usb, USB OTG, USB type C

    Source: OnePlus 3 does have 'hidden' USB OTG feature, menu is hard to find

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