Friday, April 29, 2016

HTC 10 Unlocked Pre-Orders Shipping Next Week

The HTC 10 is literally the newest smartphone on the scene and so far the reaction seems to be one which is largely positive, which is certainly good initial news for HTC and after the last year the company has had to endure in respect of their mobile ambitions. However, reaction is one thing and sales are quite another. Like any new flagship smartphone, how well it performs on sales is likely to be the final and determining factor in the success of the HTC 10.

Speaking of which, the HTC 10 did open for pre-orders though HTC rather soon after the device was formerly announced and introduced and it seems as though those initial pre-orders are now preparing to be fulfilled. At least for the unlocked version as HTC's own Jeff Gordon essentially confirmed today that unlocked pre-orders will begin shipping out to consumers in the U.S. starting from next week. As the confirmation came in the form of a tweet, there is little to really elaborate on, besides the fact that "next week" they will begin shipping out. As such, it is unclear as to when during next week they will actually begin or a firm date as to when customers can expect their handsets to arrive.

Moving away from the unlocked side of things and over to the carrier versions of the HTC 10, today has also seen snippets of information coming through from the likes of Verizon and Sprint. In terms of Verizon, the carrier today confirmed that pre-orders on their network are now open, and also confirmed that pre-orders should begin to arrive for customers from May 5. While in terms of Sprint, who do not seem to be officially taking pre-orders on the HTC 10 as of yet, the carrier did confirm today that the HTC 10 will launch on their network on May 13, which presumably is the date which you will be able to order through Sprint and is likely to be the date which you could expect shipping to commence from. Either way, the one thing that is clear is for those who are planning to get hold of the HTC 10, the time is nearing.

Source: HTC 10 Unlocked Pre-Orders Shipping Next Week

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