Saturday, December 31, 2016

Xiaomi Mi 6 Latest Update: New Reports Claim Possible February Launch, Flagship Available by March

Aside from the big name brands that are going to be launching their flagship smartphones next year, some users are now on the lookout for Xiaomi's next offering, the Xiaomi Mi 6. As of the moment, not much is yet to be known about the hardware and features of the upcoming flagship device, although different reports have now pegged some varying possible dates of its release.

While reports had previously claimed that the new Xiaomi Mi 6 might be delayed until April, some new reports have now speculated that the flagship device may be unveiled a bit earlier than expected. The new date that is being mentioned in the latest rumor reports has now claimed that the device may be unveiled at a special launch event on Feb. 6, 2017.

Previous claims of the possible April delay had cited sources which mentioned that the main cause of the late release was due to the lack of supply of Snapdragon 835 chipsets from Qualcomm for the Xiaomi Mi 6. The same CPU is also being used for the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S8, which means that if there are not enough chips for Samsung, some of the other manufacturers may be force to delay the release of their own devices.

However, a new post from a Chinese analyst on the Weibo website has revealed that the supply issue may have been exaggerated and that it isn't really as serious as people have been led to believe. Xiaomi is apparently already receiving a steady shipment of Snapdragon 835 chips for their upcoming new Xiaomi Mi 6 flagship, which means that it might be released on schedule.

If the February launch would turn out to be true, then the new Xiaomi Mi 6 should become available to the public sometime around March. The device, however, will likely be made available in limited quantities at first, which will then be followed by new stocks released in the following weeks. Source: mobilenapps

Source: Xiaomi Mi 6 Latest Update: New Reports Claim Possible February Launch, Flagship Available by March

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