The upcoming Samsung flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S8, will sport an all-screen design up front. This means the physical home button and bezels will be saying their goodbyes. The virtual home button will be integrated within the phone particularly under the glass at the lower part of the device while the OLED display will wrap around the edges of the phone practically getting rid of the bezels.
Aside from Samsung, Apple is also rumored to be ditching the home button in its next iPhone which will also be released next year. Even the iPad will ditch the home button according to some rumors. This may mean that 2017 will mark the end of the home button. As for the bezels, Samsung actually got beat by Xiaomi. The Chinese company has already launched the Mi Mix, a device designed by Philippe Starck which has the least bezel so far.
Other Developments
For a time, the S8 was supposed to get a dual rear camera setup. But that idea has apparently been scrapped according to a leak coming all the way from China.
The company is now working with Viv Labs, headed by Siri creators, to update its software with its own digital assistant which will named Bixby, if rumors prove true. Users can tell Bixby to do tasks without going to particular apps. The AI platform will also allow third-party developers to upload services to Bixby helping it become smarter and have more skills.
Release Date
Rumors regarding the availability of the Galaxy S8 point to a March release. However, news of the home button-less design and other new features may push the release date to April, at the least.
Recent reports indicate that the main reason why the Galaxy Note 7 ended up in smoke was Samsung's desire to beat Apple to the punch. The company's aggressiveness has caused it to permanently stop the production of the controversial Note 7. Because of the travesty, Samsung will surely take its time to test the prototypes, particularly its batteries, before giving its go-ahead to the production team. Source: itechpost
Source: Galaxy S8 Ditching Home Key and Bezels In Favor Of All-Screen Design
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